Best Bubble Gums

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The Biggest Bubblegum Bubble Ever Blown!

In the world of bubblegum, there are casual chewers, and then there are the epic bubble blowers. These are the people who take their bubblegum seriously, who chew with a purpose, and who strive to create the biggest, most impressive bubbles possible. Among these bubble blowers, two legends stands out: Chad Fell, who holds the Guinness Book of Records for the largest hands-free bubble and Susan Williams, who holds the records for hands-assisted bubble size (and who also got arrested for being a total bubblegum rebel).  

Chad: The Man Behind the Bubble

Chad Fell hails from Winston County, Alabama, a place known for its natural beauty and small-town charm. There is also a city named “Booger Tree” in that county!  On April 24, 2004, it became known for something else: the home of the world’s largest bubblegum bubble. 

Chad, a man with a passion for bubblegum and a knack for blowing bubbles, decided to take on a challenge that would put Winston County on the map. At Double Springs High School, Chad blew a bubblegum bubble with a diameter of 50.8 cm (20 inches) without using his hands.

The secret to his success, Chad revealed, was blowing with three pieces of Dubble Bubble gum. This brand of gum, known for its long-lasting flavor and excellent bubble-blowing capabilities, was the perfect choice for Chad’s record-breaking attempt. Dubble Bubble also happens to be the world’s first successful bubblegum!

The Record-Breaking Bubble

The day of the record-breaking attempt was filled with anticipation. Chad, armed with his Dubble Bubble gum, set out to make history. He chewed the gum for a while, working it until it was just the right consistency. Then, he began to blow. Slowly but surely, the bubble began to grow. It expanded, getting bigger and bigger, until it reached an astonishing 50.8 cm in diameter. The crowd watched in awe as Chad blew the biggest bubblegum bubble the world had ever seen. And he did it all without using his hands. 

The Record Still Stands

Chad’s incredible feat remains unbeaten to this day. Here is the official Guinness World Record page on it. His hands-free approach (which is required to qualify for the record) to blowing the largest bubblegum bubble has left many in awe and inspired others to try their luck at breaking his record. However, no one has managed to outdo Chad’s impressive 50.8 cm bubble.

Tips for Blowing Big Bubbles

If you’re looking to blow a record setting bubble like Chad, there are a few tips to keep in mind.

  1. Chew the gum for about 15 minutes before attempting to blow a bubble. This helps reduce the sugar content in the gum, which can affect its elasticity.
  2. It is best to chew the gum on one side of your mouth, like a cow. 
  3. Blowing bubbles is often easier when the weather is hot, as the gum becomes more pliable. Advantage to those in Arizona!
  4. Use multiple pieces of gum. Chad uses three pieces of Double Bubble. Experiment with different amounts and types of bubblegum to see what works well for you.

The Impact of Chad's Record

Chad’s record has had a significant impact on the world of bubblegum! It has inspired countless others to try their hand at blowing big bubbles, and it has brought attention to the art of bubble blowing. The record has also brought a sense of pride to the people of Winston County who can proudly say that their town is home not only to a Dollar General store, but also to the world’s largest bubblegum bubble.

Will This Record Ever Be Broken?

While Chad’s record still stands 20 years later, it’s only a matter of time before some big mouthed hot shot with incredible bubble blowing skills breaks the record–maybe it will be you! Plus, new gum bases are being developed all the time, and perhaps a super bubble will be made! No matter what happens, Chad’s record will always be remembered as a significant milestone in the history of bubble blowing.

So You Want To Break This Record?

Here’s what you need to know about the Guinness Record Book official bubble gum bubble rules, if you want to break this one:

  • You can’t steady the bubble with your hands or touch it at all. 
  • The type of gum and number of pieces used must be specified. Chad used 3 pieces of Double Bubble.
  • The bubblegum bubble’s diameter must be measured in centimeters or inches.
  • The bubble must be blown in a controlled environment.
  • The record attempt must be documented with video evidence, and the measurement of the bubble’s diameter must be clearly shown.
  • You have to hold the bubble for 5 seconds.

Susan Williams: The Biggest Assisted Bubblegum Bubble Ever Blown

There is someone else you should know about when it comes to the biggest bubblegum bubble ever blown: Susan Montgomery Williams of Fresno California.  She blew the biggest bubblegum bubble ever blown using her hands to steady the bubble. The bubble was 58.4 centimeters or 22.9 inches (8cm larger than Chad’s bubble). This record was made on the 19th of July in the year 1994. She has a interesting technique.  She can blow a bubble inside of the other bubble and she can also talk while blowing a bubble.

Susan was a bold women. She was once arrested for refusing to stop popping her gum at the Fresno Fair. It was driving people crazy because she liked to make the pop super loud! Can you believe it…she actually got arrested in handcuffs and everything for popping her gum!

It gets even better…when she got to the courthouse she got in even more trouble for refusing to stop chewing her gum in the hallway. The bailiffs said that her popping sounded like a gun being fired. (source). Nothing would stop this woman from popping her gum. Ask her nicely to stop? Nope, not going to work. Arrest her? Nope, she’ll keep going. Try to rip the gum out of her mouth? I wouldn’t dare. 

She was willing to risk 6 months in jail and a $1000 dollar  fine to keep chewing her gum and popping it loudly in people’s faces. Now that is a bold woman who loves her gum! She will forever be a bubblegum legend. 

Here’s a video of her record breaking bubble (hands-assisted, that is). 👇

Dude Perfect Bubble Gum Battle

If you are fans of the YouTubers Dude Perfect, you’ll enjoy their bubblegum battle. They are not in the league of Susan or Chad, but it’s still fun to watch:

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